A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of
Finnegans Wake
(The ‘Syllabifications’).
In 19 volumes. 4,150 pagesEdited by C. George Sandulescu
Redacted by Lidia Vianu
After having dealt with so many things in Finnegans Wake from Song to Story, and passing through Motif and Allusion , the most important operation has still not been done, and it remains to be done. That happens to be by far more important than all the Forty Languages taken together. And what is that? It is the chopping up of the words themselves in bits and pieces.
It did not take much time to be looking around in order to see that it had been done already alphabetically. And long ago. As far back in time as the early 1960’s! Who by? This was done by the most competent lexicographer Clive Hart, who includes them as Part Two of his Concordance (pages 345 to 459) under the title of ‘Syllabifications’ (we prefer the term Segmentation which happens to be the exact technical term in the field of linguistics called Word Building). The Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake covers 19 volumes, and 4,150 pages, in the linearized and contextualized form. Our modest belief is that the whole operation is of utmost importance.C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu
(Romanian follows below)
Please click on the link below and choose "Save file" to download the book in .pdf format
Lexicon 36 Segmentation 1. Episode OneLexicon 37 Segmentation 2. Episode Two
Lexicon 38 Segmentation 3. Episode Three
Lexicon 39 Segmentation 4. Episode Four
Lexicon 40 Segmentation 5. Episode Five
Lexicon 41 Segmentation 6. Episode Six
Lexicon 42 Segmentation 7. Episode Seven
Lexicon 43 Segmentation 8. Episode Eight
Lexicon 44 Segmentation 9. Episode Nine
Lexicon 45 Segmentation 10. Episode Ten
Lexicon 46 Segmentation 11. Episode Eleven Part One
Lexicon 47 Segmentation 12. Episode Eleven Part Two
Lexicon 48 Segmentation 13. Episode Twelve
Lexicon 49 Segmentation 14. Episode Thirteen
Lexicon 50 Segmentation 15. Episode Fourteen
Lexicon 51 Segmentation 16. Episode Ffiteen Part One
Lexicon 52 Segmentation 17. Episode Ffiteen Part Two
Lexicon 53 Segmentation 18. Episode Sixteen
Lexicon 54 Segmentation 19. Episode Seventeen
După ce ne-am ocupat de foarte multe aspecte ale cărții Finnegans Wake muzică și povestire, motive și aluzii literare , mai rămânea de făcut o operație, care este de fapt cea mai importantă dintre toate. Ea este chiar mai importantă decât toate cele 40 de limbi străine la un loc. Este vorba de segmentarea cuvintelor cărții în mai multe unități cât mai mici.
Operația aceasta fusese deja făcută, însă, cu mult timp în urmă: ea pusese în ordine alfabetică segmentele lexicale obținute. Acest lucru se întâmplase la începutul anilor 1960. Rezultatul a fost inclus în partea a doua a volumului A Concordance to Finnegans Wake (de la pagina 345 la pagina 459), sub numele de “Silabificări”. Autorul cărții era un lexicograf deosebit de competent, și anume Clive Hart. În ceea ce ne privește, am optat pentru termenul “Segmentare”, care este de altfel termenul tehnic pentru această operație, așa cum este el folosit cu exactitate de acel domeniu al lingvisticii numit Formarea Cuvintelor. Segmentarea selectivă a elementelor lexicale ale cărții Finnegans Wake de James Joyce în forma ei prezentă, linearizată și contextualizată, cuprinde 19 volume, cu 4.150 de pagini în total. După părerea noastră, această amplă operație este în ultimă instanță de importanță maximă.
C. George Sandulescu și Lidia Vianu
Pentru a descărca volumele în format PDF vă rugăm să apăsați legăturile de mai jos:
Lexicon 36 Segmentation 1. Episode OneLexicon 37 Segmentation 2. Episode Two
Lexicon 38 Segmentation 3. Episode Three
Lexicon 39 Segmentation 4. Episode Four
Lexicon 40 Segmentation 5. Episode Five
Lexicon 41 Segmentation 6. Episode Six
Lexicon 42 Segmentation 7. Episode Seven
Lexicon 43 Segmentation 8. Episode Eight
Lexicon 44 Segmentation 9. Episode Nine
Lexicon 45 Segmentation 10. Episode Ten
Lexicon 46 Segmentation 11. Episode Eleven Part One
Lexicon 47 Segmentation 12. Episode Eleven Part Two
Lexicon 48 Segmentation 13. Episode Twelve
Lexicon 49 Segmentation 14. Episode Thirteen
Lexicon 50 Segmentation 15. Episode Fourteen
Lexicon 51 Segmentation 16. Episode Ffiteen Part One
Lexicon 52 Segmentation 17. Episode Ffiteen Part Two
Lexicon 53 Segmentation 18. Episode Sixteen
Lexicon 54 Segmentation 19. Episode Seventeen