MTTLC: 2006–2016

Lidia Vianu's Students



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MTTLC: 2006–2016. Lidia Vianu's Students. Diaries.


           The year 2016 was the tenth anniversary of the MA Programme for the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text (MTTLC). On this occasion, we innaugurated in April 2016 the Bucharest Workshops for Literary Translation. We were supported by the University of Bucharest, The Romanian Cultural Institute, The Writers' Union, and the National Museum of Romanian Literature.
           We are publishing now the last volume of the proceedings. It includes the diaries of the MTTLC graduates who participated. It also includes a transcript of the round table that concluded the workshop: its topic was Literary Translation As a Method of Teaching Literature.
            The Workshop for Literary Translation will be organized again between 8–16 May 2017, and this time the graduates will be translating contemporary Romanian fiction into English.


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MTTLC: 2006–2016. Lidia Vianu's Students. Diaries.

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            În anul 2016, Masteratul pentru Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan (MTTLC) a împlinit zece ani de la înființare. Cu această ocazie, în aprilie 2016 am organizat prima ediție a Atelierelor de Traducere Literară București, care a fost sprijinită de Universitatea București, Institutul Cultural Român, Uniunea Scriitorilor din România și Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române.
           Publicăm acum ultimul volum al Atelierelor. El cuprinde jurnalele masteranzilor MTTLC care au participat. La aceste jurnale se aduagă și transcrierea mesei rotunde pe tema Traducerea literară ca metodă de predare a literaturii, care a încheiat atelierele.
          A doua ediție a Atelierelor de Traducere Literară București se va organiza între 8–16 mai 2017 și se va ocupa de traducerea prozei românești contemporane.


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MTTLC: 2006–2016. Lidia Vianu's Students. Diaries.

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