Joyce Lexicography. Volume 101.

Text Exegesis.

Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986),

edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart.


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Joyce Lexicography. Volume 101:
Text Exegesis. Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986) edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart.


Volume 101

Contemporary Literature Press is now publishing Volume 101 in its series of Joyce Lexicography. C. George Sandulescu — Director of Princess Grace Library — organized in May 1985 "The First International Seminar of the Princess Grace Irish Library", which took place in Monaco, on an invitational basis, and which he entitled A Finnegans Wake Approach to Ulysses (A Scrutiny of the 1984 Edition).

The conference was almost immediately followed by the publication of the volume Assessing the 1984 Ulysses, issued by the London Publisher of the Library, and edited by C. George Sandulescu and Clive Hart.

The book we are publishing now includes excerpts from the volume in question, as well as excerpts from the big debate that preceded and followed the publication of Hans Walter Gabler's 1984 Ulysses.

Extolling Hans Walter Gabler's major exegetic achievements, one must underline that another great merit of his edition is the stabilization of line numbering, which greatly facilitated research into Ulysses.

By publishing Text Exegesis. Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986), edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart, Contemporary Literature Press means to bridge the research of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. The idea was present in the very title given by Sandulescu to the Seminar: A Finnegans Wake Approach to Ulysses. It was also taken up by Anthony Burgess in his own major contribution.

24 March 2014

C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu


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Joyce Lexicography. Volume 101:
Text Exegesis. Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986) edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart.

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Volumul 101

Apare acum Volumul 101 din seria Joyce Lexicography publicată de Contemporary Literature Press. Acest volum pornește de la primul Seminar Internațioal al Princess Grace Irish Library, organizat de directorul ei, C. George Sandulescu, în mai 1985 la Monaco. Titlul acelui seminar cu participare numai pe bază de invitație era A Finnegans Wake Approach to Ulysses (A Scrutiny of the 1984 Edition).

Conferința de la Monaco a fost aproape imediat urmată de publicarea de către editorul londonez al Bibliotecii a volumului Assessing the 1984 Ulysses, editat de C. George Sandulescu și Clive Hart.

Volumul publicat de noi acum reunește fragmente din volumul editat la Monaco, precum și fragmente din marea dezbatere care a precedat și a urmat apariției cărții Ulysses în ediția lui Hans Walter Gabler din 1984.

Trebuie subliniat, pe lângă marile însușiri exegetice ale cărții, meritul lui Hans Walter Gabler de a fi înlesnit munca cercetătorilor specializați în Ulysses unificând numerotarea rândurilor.

Publicând Text Exegesis. Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986), edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart, Contemporary Literature Press reunește cercetarea celor două cărți ale lui James Joyce, Ulysses și Finnegans Wake, ceea ce a fost, de altfel, chiar intenția lui George Sandulescu atunci când a intitulat conferința de la Monaco din 1985 A Finnegans Wake Approach to Ulysses.

24 martie 2014

C. George Sandulescu & Lidia Vianu


Please click on the link below and choose "Save file" to download the book in .pdf format

Joyce Lexicography. Volume 101:
Text Exegesis. Excerpts from Assessing the 1984 Ulysses (1986) edited by C.G. Sandulescu and C. Hart.

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